
Synth and Sip
Explore the mesmerising realm of sound and creativity at Synth and Sip, an extraordinary event designed to captivate your senses and unleash your inner musician. Synth and Sip is part of Social Science, an event at the Queensland Museum as part of the World Science Festival Brisbane At Synth and Sip, you can get hands-on […]

Giant Swan(UK), Thursday 24 August
Joined by local guests:HEAVYGORESLKHOLVV (live)LIL POMPOM Known for their high energy fun live show, Giant Swan is the brainchild of Robin Stewart & Harry Wright; an acerbic marriage of energised, aggressive dance music, quaking bass and hypnotic electronic noise. Thursday, August 24th$42 entry | 7:00pm – 12:00am echo&bounce, 596 Stanley St Woolloongabba ——————————tix >>—————————— […]

Fashioning Technology Showcase
Join us from 6:30pm on Friday the 24th of February at the Precinct’s Dimbin-Mil Seminar room for a showcase of work created during Cyber Palace’s Fashioning Technology workshops held throughout 2022.
There will be soft circuitry and textile works on display. We will have artist talks from some of the workshop participants as well as presentations from industry leaders within e-textiles and creative technology. You can pick up a free copy of the Fashioning Technology catalogue containing work produced by the artists who participated in the workshops. […]

Fashioning Technology Workshop Updates
Three Fashioning Technology courses were held at Cyber Palace throughout 2022. Each course consisted of four workshops that introduced participants to soft circuitry: creating basic electronic circuits by sewing components with conductive thread and other e-textiles. Participants also learned to code the Circuit Playground Express microcontroller to control neopixel leds. […]

Play Moves
Play Moves 10 December 2022 – 16 April 2023 10:00am–5:00pm Open Daily Bringing together a collection of local and national participatory artists, we are inviting people of all ages and abilities to surrender themselves to the sublime art of play. Here you will dance, weave and move your way through six large scale installations where every […]

Curiocity 2022
This year for Curiocity I’ll be working with Curiocity School Challenge recipients, Dalby South Primary School, to create EcosySTEAM a terrarium themed dome featuring responsive lighting, audio and loads of plants!!! We will be located at the Pyramid Plaza near the Queensland Museum. Come along and enjoy the terrariums and relax in the dome from […]

Fashioning Technology Workshops
We are super excited to receive support from the Brisbane City Council’s Creative Sparks Fund to bring you a series of workshops in soft circuitry and e-textiles. Aimed at marginalised genders, this is a hands on course in which participants will learn about fashion tech through creating craft and wearable projects that fuse fashion and […]

Mess – Artist in Residence
I’ve just spent the last two weeks down in Melbourne at MESS (Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio) as an artist in residence. If you don’t know MESS, they are probably the largest collection of synthesizers in the southern hemisphere and it’s hands on!! They make the instruments available to the community, giving people the chance to […]