Social Science: Synth and Sip

  • Facilitator:
  • 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm, March 22, 2024
  • Price: $included when you attend Social Science
  • Venue: Queensland Museum
  • This workshop is not currently scheduled. If you'd like to know when/if it runs again, register your interest here

    Register Interest

As part of the World Science Festival Brisbane’s Social Science event, Cyber Palace is running a Synth and Sip session!  Sign up on arrival at Synth and Sip

Explore the mesmerising realm of sound and creativity at Synth and Sip, an extraordinary event designed to captivate your senses and unleash your inner musician.

At Synth and Sip, you can get hands-on experience with various electronic music-making devices as our facilitators explain how to shape and experiment with sound. Our synthesiser smorgasbord showcases a variety of electronic audio hardware, including synthesisers, drum machines, and samplers.

Learn about sound synthesis as you get hands-on experience with electronic musical instruments in a comfortable environment.

Sign up for a Synth and Sip session when you arrive at Social Sciences.  The ticket price listed here is for the whole Social Science event.