Mobile Sonic Devices & the History of Listening

  • 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm, January 21, 2023
  • Price: $30
  • Class size: 10
  • Venue: Cyber Palace
  • This workshop is not currently scheduled. If you'd like to know when/if it runs again, register your interest here

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Join sound artist Sascha Brosamer (visiting from Berlin) and get hands on with the history of mobile sound devices. Explore how listening has changed, from the gramophone listening culture in Parisian parks during the 1920s to the boombox and smartphone 100 years later.

During the workshop we will:

  • experiment with the gramophone
  • learn about the simple acoustic technology
  • use the Grainfield Application on your smart phone to create an immersive listening experience
  • and create simple spatial sound experiments to learn about granular synthesis

If possible please bring a smart phone and charger

„GrainField“ is a web-based application used to network the audience and create an immersive listening experience. It was designed by Benjamin Matuszewski and Norbert Schnell as part of the CoSiMa research project developed at the IRCAM Center Pompidou Paris.

Sascha Brosamer is an interdisciplinary artist and electronic music composer from Berlin/Germany. He is exploring the archaeology of sound and its projection into the digital future.

Brosamer studied Music and Media Art at HKB in Bern, Switzerland and graduated as Meisterschüler in 2014 with honors in Painting from the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany. His work has been shown at Zwinger Gallery Berlin, Club Silencio Paris, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, WP8 Düsseldorf, BB15 Linz, Oz Gallery Tokyo, Le case d’Arte Milan, Pas Normal Festival Puglia and Cooper Union Gallery New York. He is the founder of Global Forest, an artist residency in the former studio of Martin Kippenberger in the Black Forest/Germany and curator of Dual Sessions, a multidisciplinary format that brings together turntable industry, science, art, music and pop.

Most recently he lived and worked as a scholarship holder at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, where he realized exhibition and performance projects. Currently he is engaged in early technology of sound reproduction, especially the gramophone and 78″ shellac records, an ancestor of today’s club culture.