GlowStitch - Flexible LED Crafting

  • 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm, February 25, 2023
  • Price: $30
  • Class size: 20
  • Venue: Cyber Palace
  • This workshop is not currently scheduled. If you'd like to know when/if it runs again, register your interest here

    Register Interest

In this ‘choose your own adventure’ style crafting session, learn how to use new GlowStitch LEDs for a variety of applications.  GlowStitch LEDs are flexible, paintable, machine sewable, hand sewable, and colorful. Perfect for hobbyists, makers, cosplayers, and teachers, they are the ultimate all-in-one crafting product for soft circuits, paper circuits, and so much more.

In this session, make a power glove using wearable technology techniques or a light-up painting.  Created by Steph Piper, GlowStitch LEDs are fully open source and will be crowdfunded with Crowd Supply very soon.  Steph Piper is the Community Engagement Coordinator at UniSQ, manages the Library Makerspace and is based in Toowoomba, Queensland.